Big change in pubg server byTECHNOLOGY GYAN,

Big change in PUBG Servers : PUBG decides to relocate their EU servers to Frankfurt, Germany

     20 december 2020
PUBG Latest Update : PUBG may be banned in India but their popularity world over is increasing by the day both in terms of users and revenues. To manage the load on their servers, PUBG has decided to make a major change in the location of their European Servers

   Europe is one of the market which is growing for PUBG and to manage the ever-increasing load on their servers, PUBG has decided to move the European servers to Frankfurt.

In a statement PUBG informed, ‘Last month we ran tests in various regions around Europe to find a server location that would provide the best network conditions for the greatest number of players. The results are in, so let’s go over where the servers will move to, and when it will happen. 

Latest news

PUBG also gave a reason why they have decided to use Frankfurt as for their central servers.

“So, why Frankfurt? We’re working with certain server providers, and thus have a set number of locations that we can choose from. Since almost everyone from Europe is playing on the same servers, it’s important to make sure that network conditions, such as ping, are as evenly spread across the continent as possible.

Frankfurt showed the second best results out of the regions we tested, and our longer-term plan is to move our servers to Paris next year. Paris showed the best results for our overall EU player base, but there’s still some work left to do to get servers here prepped and ready. The data also showed that PC players would benefit by moving to Paris as well and would bring improvements over our current server location.

After we move our console players to Frankfurt, we’ll be monitoring closely to make sure our servers are running smoothly. We know data doesn’t always show the complete picture though, so please tell us about your experiences on console once the servers have moved”

Despite India ban on PUBG Mobile, game clocks highest revenue grossing game of 2020

PUBG Mobile – Highest earning Mobile Game in the World in 2020 : Despite ban on PUBG Mobile in India since September, PUBG has become the top mobile game worldwide in terms of revenue in 2020. According to data from Sensor Tower PUBG Mobile generated nearly $2.6 billion in revenue in 2020.

“PUBG Mobile, combined with the Chinese localisation of the title, Game For Peace, is the No. 1 revenue-generator globally across the App Store and Google Play in 2020, accumulating close to $2.6 billion since the start of the year, up 64.3 per cent from 2019,” Sensor Tower said in a blog post.

Honor of Kings is the second highest-grossing mobile game of the year, earring close to $2.5 billion in player spending, up 42.8 per cent from 2019, as per the report. “A record five mobile games including PUBG Mobile and Honor of Kings from Tencent have generated more than $1 billion in 2020,” it said.

World’s Highest EARNING Mobile games list –

1) PUBG Mobile – $2.6 billion in revenue in 2020

    pubg mobile

2) Honor of Kings – $2.5 billion

   Honor of kings

3) Pokémon GO from Niantic ranked third $1.2 billion in revenue to date, up 31.5 per cent from 2019,

   Pokemon go

4) Coin Master from Moon Active generated $1.1 billion in 2020.

  coin master

5) Roblox from Roblox Corporation doubled its 2019 mobile revenue to $1.1 billion.



Yash Bhanushali said…
A successful blogger tells such kind of information which is unknown to the public.
Great work.
Unknown said…
Some thing about free firee???
Steeve said…
In 2016 pokemon go was on trend and from 2018 the pubg mobile had next level trend
Unknown said…
Good info about every thing in this website
Unknown said…
Pubg is a trend game of 2020

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